Friday, November 28, 2008

Come, See This Man Named Jesus!

As we finish the leftovers of the Thanksgiving turkey, ham, potatoes, & pie, many of us may now be inundated with two things. One is the feeling of “calorie guilt’ for eating so much over the weekend. The other is the constant barrage of newspaper & TV ads inviting (demanding?) that we spend our hard-earned money on yet more trinkets, gadgets, fashions, etc. It seems our media culture can’t stop the rocket ride we are on of “busyness” and over-stimulation for our consumer-driven desires. We consume, yet are never satisfied.
But Jesus, the supposed focus of the “Holiday Season”, actually invites to slow down and consider what really satisfies our souls, meets our truest & deepest needs, and brings the greatest joy & freedom we are meant by God to enjoy: dwelling with Him personally as Friend to friend. In Luke 10, we see the restless heart of a woman named Martha who was consumed about the details of the special visit of Jesus & the meal for a throng of His followers. She complained to Him about the “laziness” of her sister, Mary, who was not helping out, but rather was sitting in rapt attention at Jesus’ feet. Jesus gently reminded Martha about what was truly needful, spending time with God, and that would not be taken from Mary. The next time we see this family, in John 11, Jesus is again visiting their home. Martha is now doing her work of preparation, and Mary is again at Jesus’ feet. Both have now accepted a posture of worship from the heart & free from pressures of certain role expectations. Each of us, likewise, must learn how to consciously serve & worship Jesus our King in unique ways that reflect our personality and giftings, but focus totally on Him.
At Jesus’ birth and toddler stages, as we understand the Christmas story, He is visited first by ordinary Jewish shepherds who come to worship the newborn King of the Jews. They gather at the stable around the smelly manger trough and gaze in wonder, and then worship this special infant. Eternity burst in on the moment in time and a quiet, Holy hush was felt in the room. When the moment of their visit ended, they went out and testified to people of the area of all they had seen & heard. On the eighth day after His birth, He was dedicated to God in the temple at Jerusalem. While there, a prophet named Simeon and a prophetess named Anna approached them, being moved by the Holy Spirit, and prophesied over Jesus’ life. They worshipped Him and began telling others about Him. Mary pondered and treasured all these things in her heart. About 2 years later, we find Joseph & Mary and Jesus living in house in Bethlehem where they are visited by some foreign wise men who also have come from afar to worship the new King of Israel and bring Him wealthy gifts of gold, frankincense, & myrrh.
When people get a glimpse of the real Jesus, as the infinite God-man, the Creator, Redeemer, & Savior of us all, they begin to understand that all of creation needs to slow down and give glory to Him alone. All priorities, plans, pressures, pursuits, and pleasures begin to pale in comparison to Him. This Christmas, when you are singing or caroling the great Christmas hymns or songs, please look carefully at what you are singing about. (“Hark, the Herald Angel Sings” is my personal favorite!) Don’t just read them or mouth them. Ponder them. Treasure them. More importantly, ponder HIM! Treasure HIM! Worship HIM! Learn anew how to gaze upon the glorious light He brings and also learn how, by His light & glory, to see everything else! Watch your perspective, priorities, & purposes change, and with it bring a new Joy, Grace, Appreciation, Wonder, as well as great blessing and effectiveness in Christian living, giving, serving, & witnessing.
This Christmas season, our church will explore the Wonders of Christ’s Incarnation through the worship arts & drama, and anointed teaching, the deeper meaning of Christmas. These themes include Hope & Expect-ation, Courage & Humility, Worship & Unity, Joy & Wonder, and the Light of the World. I hope you join us in this time of great excitement & celebration.
Christmas 2008 – Catch the Spirit!

Isaiah 9:6-7
9:6 “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
9:7 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.”

Have a very Merry & Blessed Christmas!
Pastor Shawn & Ruthie Oberg and family

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thanks To Those Who Have Served

For allowing me to worship God in Spirit & in Truth according my interpretation of Scripture, thank you.
For allowing me to speak my mind freely, anywhere, anyplace, & anytime, thank you.
For allowing me to gather peaceably in public with my fellow friends & countrymen, thank you.
For allowing me vote without compulsion or coercion for my choice of elected representatives, thank you.
For allowing me keep & bear arms to defend my family & property, thank you.
For allowing me to have free choice of media for my information, thank you.
For my right to petition or gripe about my grievances about government, thank you.
For not demanding that soldiers must be quartered in my home, thank you (although, if you came in peace & needed a place to spend the night, I would be honored to keep my "door open & lights on" for you)!
For allowing me to be secure in my house against unreasonable search & seizure, thank you.
For allowing me a right to a speedy trial by a jury of my peers, and the right to not have to incriminate myself in a court of law, thank you.
For preserving, with your own life on the line, all of our unalienable Constitutional Freedoms and Rights that God has given us, thank you.
For allowing me to enjoy the right to Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness, thank you.
For the many sacrifices of time, blood, sweat, toil, tears, fortunes, & sacred honor you have made in order to keep our beloved land free & secure so I and my family can sleep, work, study, play, and worship in peace and tranquility, thank you.
For allowing me the freedom to work at the place of employment of my choice, and to develop my God-given talents to best of my abilities, thank you.
For allowing me the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail, to be right or to be wrong,
thank you.
For not leaving a wounded comrade behind, or the pain you bear for the comrades that did not come home, and for those who have not come home with all their limbs & faculties intact, all for our sakes, thank you.
For the sacrifice your own families have made for all of us while you served, thank you.
For continuing to serve in your country, community, family, work, and church, thank you.
For serving as a example of Patriotism, Service, Duty & Honor, thank you.
For doing your part to ensure that this nation, so conceived in Liberty, shall not perish from the earth, THANK YOU!
To all the men & women who haved served in Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, & Coast Guard, THANK YOU!

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Elections Are Over, Now What?

Now that the election is over, there are perhaps many kinds of feelings and moods among the populace. For some, there is a sense of elation & euphoria if they voted for the winners: “America has never been greater and our leader will fix all things and can do no wrong!” For others, who voted for the other candidates, there may be a sense of gloom & doom: “I fear for the end of America and I’m afraid our leader will compound problems and won’t do anything right!” Still others may have a great, weary indifference and apathy born out of a long election cycle, ceaseless advertising, and bothersome phone and mail campaigning. Some would even claim to be numbed by what they perceive to be years of cynicism towards scandals, disappointments, hypocrisy, unmet promises and expectations over the last several years.
Regardless of your post-election mood (and many of us are just glad it’s over for 2 years!), I am very thankful when I remind myself from Scripture that God is sovereign over all nations and that He is always in control, always on the job, working “all things together for good for those who love the Lord, and are called accord-ing to His purpose.” (Rom.8:28-29). I am also very thankful that in America, we can change our leaders peacefully every 2, 4, or 6 years, depending on which branch of government wherein they serve. As of yet, we do not have a dictator, nor do we have the bloody coup attempts or frequent civil wars that have plagued so many nations throughout history, right too this very day. For all of our national flaws and mistakes, I think that we are still the greatest nation on earth and that our Founders and our Constitution got it right! As I wrote last month, our responsibility and diligence to keep the Republic is needed more today than ever.
As Christians, we have a higher standard to live by than mere nationalistic and patriotic pride. God’s Kingdom is far larger and encompasses all time, nations, and history! God’s Word, the Bible is the inerrant, infallible, rule for our faith and conduct in all matters. As for me and my house, our allegiance is firstly to Jesus Christ and our citizenship in His Kingdom of Heaven is paramount, and then comes my great love for the U.S.A. I still live by the oath I made upon being sworn in as a soldier & officer in the U.S. Army to protect and defend our Constitution against all enemies, both foreign & domestic. But the Bible gives Christians an individual and corporate command to rise above temporal politics in the way we are to conduct our lives, regardless of who or what party is “in power”. Paul says in 1 Timothy 2:1-6,
“First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, requests, and thanksgivings be offered to God for all people; for kings and all others who are in authority, that we may live a quiet and peaceful life with all reverence toward God and with proper conduct. This is good and it pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to come to know the truth. For there is one God, and there is one who brings God and human beings together, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself to redeem the whole human race. That was the proof at the right time that God wants everyone to be saved …”
(Good News Bible)

So it looks like we need to get to work, doing what God says we are to do in being the best kind of citizens. We will then be a blessing to Heaven & earth, God & man. We will be more likely to win people to Christ and His church, than trying to merely win arguments so they will come to our party. I’ve heard it said that Jesus calls us to be fishers of men, and then He will “clean them up”. It still works best when we live & do it His way.

“My son, fear the LORD and the King; do not associate with those given to change; for their calamity will rise suddenly, and who knows the ruin those two can bring?” – Proverbs 24:21-22 (NIV)