Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thanks To Those Who Have Served

For allowing me to worship God in Spirit & in Truth according my interpretation of Scripture, thank you.
For allowing me to speak my mind freely, anywhere, anyplace, & anytime, thank you.
For allowing me to gather peaceably in public with my fellow friends & countrymen, thank you.
For allowing me vote without compulsion or coercion for my choice of elected representatives, thank you.
For allowing me keep & bear arms to defend my family & property, thank you.
For allowing me to have free choice of media for my information, thank you.
For my right to petition or gripe about my grievances about government, thank you.
For not demanding that soldiers must be quartered in my home, thank you (although, if you came in peace & needed a place to spend the night, I would be honored to keep my "door open & lights on" for you)!
For allowing me to be secure in my house against unreasonable search & seizure, thank you.
For allowing me a right to a speedy trial by a jury of my peers, and the right to not have to incriminate myself in a court of law, thank you.
For preserving, with your own life on the line, all of our unalienable Constitutional Freedoms and Rights that God has given us, thank you.
For allowing me to enjoy the right to Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness, thank you.
For the many sacrifices of time, blood, sweat, toil, tears, fortunes, & sacred honor you have made in order to keep our beloved land free & secure so I and my family can sleep, work, study, play, and worship in peace and tranquility, thank you.
For allowing me the freedom to work at the place of employment of my choice, and to develop my God-given talents to best of my abilities, thank you.
For allowing me the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail, to be right or to be wrong,
thank you.
For not leaving a wounded comrade behind, or the pain you bear for the comrades that did not come home, and for those who have not come home with all their limbs & faculties intact, all for our sakes, thank you.
For the sacrifice your own families have made for all of us while you served, thank you.
For continuing to serve in your country, community, family, work, and church, thank you.
For serving as a example of Patriotism, Service, Duty & Honor, thank you.
For doing your part to ensure that this nation, so conceived in Liberty, shall not perish from the earth, THANK YOU!
To all the men & women who haved served in Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, & Coast Guard, THANK YOU!

1 comment:

Ruthie Oberg said...

Ditto..and thank YOU for being willing to serve, too.

Love, Toad